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Old 24th July 2013, 06:58 AM
Michal Michal is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 1,007
Default Records

Do you keep records ?

If not then perhaps you don't need to read any further, but then again may be you should; every successful punter keeps records, those that don't are not as successful as they could be, and that is a fact! Many a smart man in our history has said something along the lines of:

'Those that fail to learn from mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat the same mistakes in the future'.

I would add that those that don't look at their past successes may be domed to miss those successes in the future. Your past punting history is filled with wins and losses, many of them. If you are to become the best punter that you can be it is imperative that you know where your strengths and weaknesses are and emphasise your strengths and either work on or avoid your weaknesses. Unless you keep records of your punting, which includes bets and money management then I can assure you that your punting is not as successful as it could be even if you are winning.

I don't think that I need to explain the money management side too much it makes sense doesn't it? Know where you started, where you are now and there is your outcome in real dollars; the real reason we all do this. While that is a rather simple way of looking at it as a minimum that will do, if you bet on credit and or with many bookmakers then your needs will be more sophisticated, and we are looking at assisting punters in that regards in the future as well.

Before we get an uproar of people grabbing onto the fact that punters bet on credit with bookies, let me explain that that is a very normal and sound money management strategy most big punters adopt. You keep your money in the bank, earning interest and you settle once a week with the bookie; otherwise you would need to tie up large capital in several accounts in order to be able to optimise your dividend selection (price shopping) across several betting agencies, this also keeps you under their radar for longer due to the randomness of bet that you place with them.

So while money management is obvious, keeping a track of your bets is something that most punter fail to do. Using your TAB account to keep track of your bets is ..... well next to pointless except for a cursory glance. I can assure you that all bookies have a far better grasp of your punting then you; that is a fact, they analyse your bets for patterns like you have no idea. If it’s good for the bookie then it must be good for the punter right? There is no understating this; the reason you keep records is so that you can analyse them later and see where you can improve. A punter needs to know exactly where he is betting, what sort of selections are his optimum bets and which bets he should avoid and everything in between. You have spreadsheets as a minimum in which to do this so there is no excuse! Start today if you haven't already.

Axis offers the ability to refine records keeping using our Personal Horse Flags (PHF). This gives our clients the ability to quickly and effectively mark horses for later analysis. The whole reason for keeping the records is so that you CAN analyse them later. Let’s say that you mark your best bets with a '1' and your spec. bets may be with a '2'. Now after a while you can go to the analyser and analyse your betting. Learn where the strengths and weaknesses are, see what races to avoid, what distances to let go off or what jockeys for instance give you the best results, whatever you can think of in the context of form and ratings can be analysed in Axis. About 120 or so filters or analysis markers if you like can be seen at a click of a button. No one can tell me that their punting would not improve under that sort of scrutiny. If you are betting $100 per selection then just one saved dud bet a month pays for the subscription without taking any other benefits that you gain from Axis into account. Just one bet saved; I would wager that most of you would be surprised with what you would find. By the way the Personal Horse Flags are available even in the Classic version, we don't want you to miss out if you are just starting and are on a tight budget! This ability is a gift that just keeps on giving, the more data you have the more it will tell you.

There may be other programs that allow you to do this, with one major flaw; they assume that you start with them from scratch! Start today and mark you bets; what about the years worth of bets that you have in a spreadsheet? May be you could go and manually enter them? LOL that is one way, the other is to take your list of bets and import them into Axis and analyse them there and then instantly knowing what benefits you can gain from your partnership with ratings2win and Axis. We don't want you to wait for months to gather evidence if you already have it. The main reasons why punters don't keep records, is that they have no way of doing anything with them anyway! It's a shame but if you have records then use them. Now! If you don't have them, then start gathering. Now!

We even allow you to do this while you are in 14 day money back guarantee period. Why not, you should have by now realised that we are transparent and realistic in our approach to everything; so take the program for a spin, import your bets (it’s real easy as long as you have some basic data identifying the horse and when it ran), analyse them and sit back and uncover the, up to now hidden, truths about your betting method/s in the cold hard reality of our analysis report.
Michal - Ratings2Win Pty Ltd
R2W Axis - Axis is Australia's leading horse racing software and database;
with sophisticated form analysis tools and accurate horse performance ratings for TAB meetings.
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