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Old 18th May 2013, 08:50 PM
Lord Greystoke Lord Greystoke is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 1,237

Originally Posted by UselessBettor

Horse racing is associated with higher risk so people think that means they will get rich quick.
This one rings true for me like the giant bells on top of Notre Dame.

Once upon a time I would be expecting to double the bank at every opportunity. The losses that followed told me otherwise. 3.2% return on bank per day is more than ample for me these days and if I ever drift into thinking this may not be enough, the dreaded reality of the measly rates one gets on bank deposits brings me back to earth with a thud; >= 3.2% on any given day is a HUGE return in comparison.

Conversely, a running loss of say 3-5% makes it now OK for me to stop for the day. Given the speed with which this can deteriorate into a much bigger loss, a small loss taken and decision to shut shop for the day often feels like a triumph.

68% ahead on the bank over the last 13 betting days indicates that I might just be where the going is good, this time around.

Cheers LG
The trick isn't finding profitable angles, it's finding ones you will bet through the ups and downs - UB
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