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Old 21st February 2014, 05:38 PM
xanadu xanadu is offline
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Newcastle, NSW
Posts: 1,492

Fellow forumites I have been overwhelmed by the response and I'd like to say that I am very proud of fellow forumites for their indepth, incisive opinions and imo it reveals a general discontent with how the world is going.
Imo most people just want a "happy" life with just enough to enjoy every day until "The Grim Reaper" comes calling.
Btw "The Luddites" came about in the early 1800s and used to break into factories and destroy the new machinery which had replaced many, many jobs.
it was during the Industrial Revolution and the British Govt and factory owners were having none of this and sought out the Luddites and eventually executed their leaders.
Around the same time the banks gained incredible financial power("Rothschilds") and as we all know they "rule the world" today.
Just ask yourselves this question:Are you better off today than in the 1970s?

I've been out all day and just returned home and it was very pleasing to read so many articulate responses.
Take a bow forumites!
CP-good points.
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