Melbourne Cup 2003

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4/11/2003 edition

Melbourne Cup Tips

How does your Cup horse rate?


B g 6 yrs
Barrier 22
Jockey - Matt Pumpa
Trainer - David Hall
33 starts, 5-5-2
Last five starts - 68609
Prizemoney $603,450
Average Prizemoney $18,286
Has handled Good to Dead tracks. Has not placed in five starts on Slow to Heavy tracks.
Melbourne Cup distance - 1 st. 1-0-0

Piachay has not had the best of luck in some of his recent races. The gelding is proven at the distance, which is more than can be said for a number of other runners, having won this year's Brisbane Cup. He also improved sharply to win that race.

While Piachay does not appear to have teh class, you can never dismiss a 3200 metres winner in the Cup. Wet track conditions though on Tuesday could be a major problem.


Br g 7 yrs
Barrier 17
Jockey - Brett Prebble
Trainer - Lee Freedman
56 starts, 13-5-11
Last five starts - 16973
Prizemoney $510,410
Average Prizemoney $9,114
Has won on Fast to Slow rated tracks.
Melbourne Cup distance - 1 st. 1-0-0

The gelding won the Perth Cup over 3200 metres by three lengths on New Year's Day, this year.

His lead up form is nothing to write home about. However the gelding has won at the track and drops 5kg. from his third in the 2400 metres Geelong Cup where he had to work hard from barrier 17 to take a position.

Certainly not the roughest and a must for multiples. .


B h 4 yrs
Barrier 4
Jockey - Shayne Dye
Trainer - J B Cummings
19 starts, 5-1-1
Last five starts - 51811
Prizemoney $346,050
Average Prizemoney $18,213
Handles all track conditions
Melbourne Cup distance - 0 sts. 0-0-0

This 4YO horse has burst into calculations in racent weeks with impressive wins in the Group 3 Coongy Handicap followed up by winning the Group 2 Moonee Valley Gold Cup over 2500 metres.

Trained by the Cups King and with an outstanding jockey who is prepared to take risks, Frightening must rate a huge show. The big question is whether he will be under the odds because of the vast amount of money bet on any runner Bart Cummings has in the Cup.


Br g 4 yrs
Barrier 8
Jockey - Corey Brown
Trainer - Peter Moody
21 starts, 2-2-2
Last five starts - 03009
Prizemoney $171,200
Average Prizemoney $8,152
Has a strong preference for rain affected tracks.
Melbourne Cup distance - 0 sts. 0-0-0

The gelding was beaten by four lengths in the Group 1 South Australian Derby and then finished a distant second to Half Hennessy in the Group 1 Queensland Derby, beaten six lengths.

Recent form is very ordinary. Unlikely.

This edition of Punt to Win:
Melbourne Cup facts and figures
How does your Melbourne Cup horse rate?
Jardine's Lookout, Mamool, Mummify, Millstreet
Pentastic, County Tyrone, Holy Orders, Mr.Prudent
Distinctly Secret, Hugs Dancer, Grey Song, Makybe Diva
Piachay, Tumeric, Frightening, Schumpeter
She's Archie, Zagalia, Ain't Seen Nothin', Big Pat
Bold Bard, Debben, Fawaz, Yakama
Punt to Win 31/10/2003
Punt to Win index

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